Myq Kaplan On Nicolas Cage Films, Colin Quinn And Being A 'Small, Dork, and Handsome' Comedian

By Kyle Dowling | Jun 26, 2014 03:01 PM EDT

In Last Laugh, MStarsNews talks to our favorite comedians or funny people about some of the last experiences they've had over the years. For this installment, we welcome in comedian Myq Kaplan. 

Whether you know the comic from his multiple appearances on CONAN, The Late Show with David Letterman, Last Comic Standing or Late Night with Seth Meyers, or his podcast Hang Out with Me, the New York-based comic has been a big player in the comedy game for over a decade. Kaplan just released his newest album and Netflix special, both titled Small, Dork and Handsome, to rave reviews, and we're thrilled to have him for Last Laugh.

So, Myq Kaplan, who/what/where/when was the...

MStarsNews: Last time you wore something you hated?

Myq Kaplan: My least favorite thing to wear (so far) is a collared shirt with the top button buttoned. Most of the time that happens is when I have to look nice to do standup on television, so I'll take it.

MS: Last person to see you naked?

MK: Me ... in the mirror ... looking good! (Also, other people see me sometimes. But I'm answering to the letter of the law!)

MS: Last day job you had?

MK: Resident assistant at Boston University. Boom, serious answer!

MS: Last place you traveled to outside of the US?

MK: Canada. To either perform at a comedy festival or drink ginger ale. I forget which.

MS: Last guilty pleasure you discovered?

MK: I don't really believe in pleasures being guilty. If I like it, I do it whole-heartedly and non-ironically. If I would feel guilty, I don't do it.

I'm not sure of the last one I discovered, but ones that I'm sure OTHERS would deem guilty pleasures include listening to Eve6 while driving and watching Nicolas Cage movies like Face/Off and Con Air ... also while driving. (That second one would probably involve guilt, were vehicular manslaughter involved. But it wasn't me! It was someone else wearing my face!)

MS: Last piece of advice another comedian gave you?

MK: Move around more. It's something I read that Colin Quinn said, and it makes sense! But it's also so nice to stand still. So many people have to move for their jobs. We'll see what happens moving forward. Or not moving, but forward.

MS: Last time you bombed onstage?

MK: I'm sure the last time I bombed hasn't happened yet.

MS: Last time you lost your cool?

MK: Never. I've always got my cool, bro. Oops, just lost it.

MS: Last piece of advice you gave someone?

MK: Do things. If you want to do something, do it. If you don't know if you want to do something, do it. Maybe think about it first, but probably just do it.

MS: Last thing you regretted:

MK: Not answering this question seriously. Sorry!

MS: Last time you were the butt of the joke?

MK: Every night on stage in some of my jokes? I'm also the one doing the butting most of the time. Take that, other people who want to say "take that."

MS: Last time you got into a fight?

MK: Eighth grade. I punched a guy's shoulder because I was a pacifist and he was a bigger guy who knew how to fight more. He had me on the ground in seconds (I believe), I stopped fighting (forever), and then we were friends (I think).

MS: Last time you wished you were someone else?

MK: A long time ago, probably. I don't do a lot of wishing. Did you know it doesn't really work to do that?

MS: Last thing you had to apologize for?

MK: To you, Kyle, for not taking that above "regret question" seriously. Sorry again. I GET IT! I DID THE WRONG THING!

MS: Last time you laughed really hard?

MK: When I was on mushrooms in a park in Brooklyn with one of my best friends, Zach. We laughed at all kinds of everythings.

MS: Last time you felt uncomfortable?

MK: Now. Just kidding! Never. I mean, sometime. Is this answer dumb? Am I ruining it? Okay, NOW I feel uncomfortable.

Be sure to follow Myq on Twitter and subscribe to his podcast Hang Out with Me.