Jason Momoa Describes Aquaman in Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice

By Andrew Meola | Jul 02, 2014 03:41 PM EDT

Despite reports and evidence to the contrary, Jason Momoa still will not publicly acknowledge that he will play Aquaman in Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice. This could be because of a contractual issue that prevents him from doing so, or perhaps he really is telling the truth. Or maybe he just enjoys messing with all of us.

At any rate, fans and reporters continue to ask him about it at conventions and interviews, and the actor has come up with increasingly entertaining ways to have some fun with the news and toy with fans. His latest words on the subject came at Evolution Expo in Oakland last weekend, and Point of Geeks recorded his words. Momoa describes more of an anti-hero than a traditional superhero and brings up Lobo yet again:

"I think it would be really, really fun to play a superhero. You know? I've always talked about, like, what's your favorite. I mean I love Lobo so... but ah... You know, it would be awesome. I don't know how they do it but... Yeah, absolutely I think it would...I just don't really see myself as a superhero. Yeah, no I mean, they're kind of written a little different. I don't know. I just... you know. I'm not wearing a lot of the...I don't see myself in tights a lot. And ah...I'm more of a, I don't know, an anti-hero if you will. In life. So, not the smiling, parading to saving the world kind of guy. Yeah, the Hulk would have been fun!"

What do you think? Is Momoa in the movie and just having some fun with us, or is he telling the truth? Let us know in the comments below.