Nash Grier Homophobic Slur Controversy [WATCH]: Young 'Vine' Star's Hateful Anti-Gay/HIV 'Fag' Rant Goes Viral, Twitter's Epic Backlash [VIDEO]

By Danica Bellini, Mstars Associate Editor | Jul 08, 2014 11:54 AM EDT

Nash Grier is a 16-year-old Vine sensation - he's considered the "most-followed" user on the infamous video-sharing website. Check out his official account here.

Back in April, Grier posted a rather hateful clip, mocking a popular HIV-awareness ad. The young cyber star quickly deleted the offensive video, but it just resurfaced online - and several Twitter fans are pissed:

Fellow Vine rival Tyler Oakley re-posted Grier's homophobic rant, which was later shared on the infamous gossip webloid, TMZ.

Now the video's going viral - and not in a good way.

Check out some heated Twitter backlash:

@nikkiitaliaxo: "Nash Grier is huge fag himself so I'm not sure why he's such a homophobe."

@PatrickStrud: "Hi @Nashgrier, HIV is not a 'fag disease.' Ignorance, however, helps spread the disease even further among the young and the heterosexual."

@GabyJaneGodinez: "@Nashgrier I hope you know that screaming 'fag' at an HIV testing kit is horrible. You're wildly popular, especially to young girls..."

@wownicebuttdude: "@K_Creppy: if you still like @Nashgrier after reading this, you are not my friend."

@rogeliodiary: "AIDS is an @Nashgrier thing... hope his little sis doesn't die of it too... #homophobicbullying #Homophobia."

@cosmicvirgin : "Nash using fag in this vines is just giving his fans the idea that it's okay to use it and its NOT."

@Team5thHarmonyy: "'@Nashgrier: HAHAHAH FAG,' wtf do people see in you."

@RyanLammer: "The ugly and unfunny vine 'star' @Nashgrier tweets homophobic HIV #vine... Meanwhile he's a bigger 'fag' than most actual gays I know."

@aveclouis: "even if nash grier didnt call hiv a 'gay thing' before yelling 'FAG' he still wouldn't be attractive lmao."

@heely420: "while you scroll through your mentions and see hate, I want you to see this tweet and know specifically from me that your a fag. @Nashgrier."

Grier has yet to comment on this latest controversy surrounding his Vine-dom.