Colbie Caillat Tired Of Photoshop, Grammy Winner Delivers Powerful Message In New Viral Music VIDEO 'Try' [WATCH]

By Michelle Nati | Jul 13, 2014 03:50 PM EDT

Grammy winning artist Colbie Caillat has taken a stand against Photoshop in her new video for the song, "Try," a single from her new EP, Gypsy Heart.

In the video, Caillat starts the song as a stylized version of herself and as she sings she proceeds to remove her make-up and weave (as do the other women in the video). By the end of the song she is her natural, unedited self. 

In a candid interview with Elle, Caillat says, "When I see gorgeous models and singers and they look perfect on their album covers, it makes me want to look like that, too, and it makes me feel like if I don't Photoshop my skin on my album cover, I'm the one who's going to look a little off and everyone else is going to look perfect, and that's what everyone is used to seeing. They're used to seeing people on the album covers completely Photoshopped. On one of my album covers, my arm was shaved down and it made me look very skinny. I think that gives a false reality."

Caillat says the experience was positive and extraordinarily liberating. "When I shot the first scene with no hair and makeup on in front of an HD camera in my face, flashed with bright lights, everyone was watching. I thought, 'Oh my god, I bet they're all looking at my blemishes, thinking that I should cover them up, or that I should put some volume in my hair.' But it also felt really cool to be on camera with zero on, like literally nothing on. And then when it got to the full hair and makeup, I actually felt gross. I was just so caked on."

In an image conscious world filled with unreal beauty standards for women, we can't help but to be thrilled that Calliet is bringing attention to an issue that desperately needs to be discussed. Check out the video below and let us know what you think.

via Elle