'Supernatural' Season 10 Musical Episode - Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki Gear Up To Sing & Dance In Show's 200th Episode

By Mitch Thorpe, Mstars News writer | Jul 20, 2014 10:31 AM EDT

Fans of Supernatural better start warming up their vocal cords because the hit CW show is about to get musical.

During the TCA Press Tour, executive producer of the series, Jeremy Carver revealed something pretty magically about the shows upcoming 200th episode.

"I think it'll be one of the more amusing and engaging episode we've done in a while. I think we can safety call this a meta episode," he revealed of the musical episode. "We're going pretty meta. I would just describe it as something of a love letter to our fans and there will be songs."

The episode, which will be the fifth one of the new season, will be the first musical episode that the series has ever done, however, the soundtrack to the show has always seemed to play a huge role in the storyline.

And the classic rock songs that we have heard on Supernatural before could possibly make their way into the episode, as Carver states that their will be covers as well as original tunes.

"There will be a little of both," he explains. "It's just going to be real fun and it's a real celebration of the show and particularly the fans of the show."

When asked if stars Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki will be showing off their vocal ranges, Carver jokingly states, "I cannot comment any further than that."

This is not the first supernatural themed series that will take a trip into the musical genre as Buffy the Vampire Slayer is still remembered for its infamous music episode, "Once More With Feeling."

Supernatural will premiere its new season on October 7 on the CW.