[EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW] Comedian Carmen Lynch’s Last Laugh: M&M’s, Christmas In Spain & Words of Wisdom From Ted Alexandro

By Kyle Dowling k.dowling@musictimes.com | Aug 07, 2014 03:30 PM EDT

In Last Laugh, MStarsNews talks to our favorite comedians or funny people about some of the last experiences they've had over the years. For this installment, we welcome in comedian Carmen Lynch.

Not many comedians attempt to get into the FBI before taking to the stage, but Carmen Lynch sure did. And while her path eventually led her to comedy, the Clarice Starling of stand up has made quite a name for herself in the New York scene. She has been featured on The Late Show with David Letterman and stars in her own web series titled Apt. C 3. And now, she sits down for the MStarsNews Last Laugh interview series.

So, Carmen Lynch, who/what/where/when was the...

MStarsNews: Last time you wore something you hated?
Carmen Lynch: I had to wear a dress with big flowers to an audition recently. Flowers belong in a garden. I looked like a tree in the spring. 

MS: Last person to see you naked?
CL: He knows.

MS: Last day job you had?
CL: I worked for an insurance company in downtown NYC. Our entire department was laid off by our sister company in Texas, so basically, we were fired in a conference room by a phone on speaker.

MS: Last place you traveled to outside of the US?
CL: Spain, last Christmas. I visit my nieces as much as I can, but they're not old enough to understand why I don't just live there. When I leave for the airport they're like, "Can you come back for lunch tomorrow?"

MS: Last guilty pleasure you discovered?
CL: I like to dip a spoonful of peanut butter into a bag of M&M's and see how many stick to the spoon. It's not so much guilt as it is a game. Okay, by the fourth spoonful I start to feel guilty.

MS: Last piece of advice another comedian gave you?
CL: Create as much as you can. It doesn't matter so much what comes of it, just be known for creating stuff. Then when people are creating, you will come to mind. Really great advice from Ted Alexandro.

MS: Last thing you regretted?
CL: Not getting out of my comfort zone enough. I always feel like I can go further ... in life and on stage. I should drink more.

MS: Last time you bombed onstage?
CL: Atlantic City. Gamblers and bachelorette parties can get rough!

MS: Last time you lost your cool?
CL: I was in the park riding downhill on my bike and some idiot crossed right in front of me on his bike. He wasn't even looking. I said, "What the fuck, DUDE?!" I never say dude. I still look for him in the park sometimes.

MS: Last piece of advice YOU gave someone?
CL: I told my friend that no guy wants to just be your friend. But I said it while we were biking with our helmets on so she couldn't hear me, so I yelled: "NO GUY JUST WANTS TO BE YOUR FRIEND!! THEY ALWAYS WANT TO FUCK YOU!!" and two guys in front of us heard me and they waved and agreed.

MS: Last time you were the butt of the joke?
CL: Every time I come out of the shower and realize my roommate heard me singing.

MS: Last time you got into a fight?
CL: I've never been in a punching fight. It could still happen. I feel more prepared now that I've tried boxing, though.

MS: Last time you wished you were someone else?
CL: The Olympics.

MS: Last thing you had to apologize for?
CL: I told my friend that maybe she can't bike up a hill because she's short. It came out wrong. She didn't even need the apology, apparently. I did it for me.

MS: Last time you laughed really hard?
CL: One of my friends left her Facebook page open on her laptop and I started posting statuses in her POV about how much she loves Jesus and how pretty she thinks she is. I couldn't keep a straight face for a second. She immediately said, "What did you do??"

MS: Last time you felt uncomfortable?
CL: Every morning when I don't know how to start the day.

Be sure to follow Carmen on Twitter and visit her site.