Waka Flocka's Mother, Deb Says Joseline Hernandez Wasn't "Human" During 'Love & Hip Hop Atlanta' Reunion Show, Ms. Deb Says, "She Has To Be Center Of Attention"

By Star Connor | Sep 02, 2014 02:01 AM EDT

It took a mother, Waka Flocka's mother, Ms. Deb to express her thoughts on Joseline Hernandez for all the cast members to agree that they weren't dealing with person, but someone lost off of drugs.

On Monday's night of LHHATL reunion, that cast of the show had to recover and get the set of the show back in place after Joseline, and her lover, Stevie J went to battle everyone one in an all out war.

It seems that Ms. Deb had a lot to say about Joseline's behaviors, appearing to be a therapist, after the "Puerto Rican" princess attacked her daughter-in-law during the reunion brawl.

Tammy, Waka's wife, revealed that she was glad that her husband was not able to attend the reunion show, because he would've let Stevie J, and Joseline have it for attacking her. Mimi did warn Tammy to, "be careful, because Joseline will stab you in the back."

The new wife said, "She was dead on, we wasn't even friends for her to stab me in the back."

Ms. Deb said, "Joseline is very territorial, and she has to be the center of attention at all times." Waka's mother continued, "Even the sun and the stars can't rise above her."