Patrick Warburton's 'The Tick' Revived! Ben Edlund, 'Supernatural' Producer, Brings Back New England Comics Hero!

By Jorge Solis | Sep 02, 2014 08:14 PM EDT

Amazon is currently working on the revival of the 2001 ill-fated Fox series, The Tick. Cancellation doesn't faze actor Patrick Warburton and creator/producer Ben Edlund (Supernatural) — they're set to revive the cult superhero from New England Comics.

Published by New England Comics, the blue-costumed freak was created by Edlund as an absurdist spoof on superheroes. In the comics written and drawn by Edlund, the legally insane hero escapes from a mental institution and heads off to The City. As he shouts his nonsensical battle cry, "Spoon," the blue mascot is joined by his flying sidekick, Arthur, and they get beat up numerous time while fighting crime.

Fox previous aired The Tick as an animated series, then as a live-action TV show. In the live-action version, the Seinfeld actor played the pseudo hero with childlike awe, as if he was seeing everything for the first time. Barry Sonnenfeld (Men In Black) directed the pilot, which then only aired nine episodes later.

People has announced that Amazon is interested in bringing back the superhero parody. The Rules of Engagement comedian has signed a deal to reprise his role of the cult hero. The Gotham scribe will also return to write and produce the revamped episodes.

On his official Twitter, Edlund confirms his cult TV show is being revived, "Yes for now suffice it to say the dream of a new live-action Tick is being pursued with vigor #bringbackTheTick"

Check out the live-action version here:

Amazon is reviving the brilliant but cancelled superhero TV show The Tick. Readers, are you excited to see Patrick Warburton as the blue-costumed superhero?