'Star Wars 7' Casting News, Plot SPOILERS & Title Rumors: 'Game of Thrones' Swordsman Trades in Steel for Lightsaber in 'Episode VII?' Syrio Forel Actor Miltos Yerolemou Joins Cast

By Jon Niles | Sep 02, 2014 01:09 PM EDT

Actor Miltos Yerolemou is best known for his role of Syrio Forel in the first season of HBO's Game of Thrones, but now we could see him reborn on the big screen in Star Wars: Episode VII. The accomplished swordsman in real life played the swordsmanship teacher to Arya Stark on the fantasy series, so will he trade in a sword for a lightsaber in the 2015 J.J. Abrams film? So far his role is just another rumor amongst plenty of other spoiler speculation like title ideas, plot details, and more. For now, let's see what else we can take from this news!

This news came from the BBC, but Lucasfilm has yet to confirm the casting rumor.

The BBC reports:

His extensive experience will inevitably lead to speculation that he may use a lightsaber in the film. However, his character in Star Wars is not thought to be a major one. Yerolemou has appeared on stage with the Royal Shakespeare Company, and has recently been filming a role in a BBC adaptation of Hilary Mantel's booker prize winning novel Wolf Hall.

Speculating about his swordsmanship and how he could be yielding a lightsaber in some way is a bit obvious, but we should wait for this casting news to be confirmed before making any other assumptions. What do you think of his news? Let us know in the comments section below!

In the mean time, check out a rough cut of the Star Wars: Episove IV - A New Hope Cantina Scene to help with your Star Wars jones right here!

(via Slash Film)