Jay Z And Beyonce Share Exclusive Workout And Dieting Secrets

By Kat Ernst kat.ernst@mstarsnews.com | Sep 04, 2014 12:30 PM EDT

There have been lots of talk recently in rumor-ville regarding the bootylicious star and rapper hubby's marriage and second pregnancy. With that said, we know one thing to stay true and consistent for this show stopping couple, their in shape and trim bods.

With Beyonce's last performance at the 2014 VMA's, the celebrity mom's body took the stage by storm, however not without hard work she revealed. It's reassuring when celebrities admit to having to work hard to achieve their body the world is so envious of, "I can't eat what I want, and I can't not go to the gym," the singer told Self Magazine.

The star maintains her bootylicious shape through "body-weight squats, lunges and piles, along with plyometric exercise and print intervals" According to E! .

Beyonce's personal trainer, Marco Borges reveals the bootylicious stars diets and workouts she does with adoring hubby Jay Z. "They're like every other couple, they love spending time together, they'll workout together whenever its possible, whenever their touring schedules allow. They'll absolutely jump in the gym together whenever they can, she'll be running and he'll be on a bike, or she'll be jumping rope and he'll be running."

At the end of 2013 Beyoncé and Jay Z started a 22-day vegan challenge, encouraged by Borges who is the owner of 22-day vegan challenge. "On December 3, one day before my 44th birthday, I will embark on a 22 Days challenge to go completely vegan, or as I prefer to call it, plant-based!." Jay Z posted on his Life + Times website.

So what were Beyoncé and Jay Z allowed on their nutritious journey? Here is Day 1 of the diet: breakfast includes vanilla chai pudding with 1-cup fresh berries. For lunch they indulge in a red cabbage and green apple sesame slaw with 1 cup steamed sweet potatoes; the afternoon snack is ¼ cup hemp hummus with fresh veggies. The big meal of the day, dinner, consists of black bean and quinoa salad with quick cumin dressing. And yes the couple is allowed to have dark chocolate for dinner!