Captain America 3 Will Change the Marvel Cinematic Universe Again

By Andrew Meola | Sep 09, 2014 12:54 PM EDT

Captain America: The Winter Soldier changed the Marvel Cinematic Universe by essentially destroying S.H.I.E.L.D. According to co-directors Anthony Russo and Joe Russo, the third film in the series will alter the landscape yet again.

The topic of Captain America 3 came up during the Russos' interview with Crave Online, during which the brothers revealed a major announcement would arrive soon. They also said the subtitle of the film has been in place at Marvel Studios for years.  

"If you've been talking to Kevin [Feige, President of Marvel Studios] the title has been in place probably for ten years in his brain," Joe said. "It's all part of the road map that he's laid out, and it's all part of the bigger plan."

The site then asked if The Winter Soldier built to Cap 3. "Yeah, I think the way Kevin does it is there are big pieces that he knows he wants to build towards, but the way that you get there is open to interpretation and improv a little bit," joe said. "That's defined by who gets involved with the project, the writers and directors involved in the project. The big thing we knew we had to deal with in Captain America 2 was the fall of Hydra. Similarly there is a very, very big idea at the center of Captain America 3. But how we get there is all up to us. And I think why Marvel has been so successful is because it's been such a clear plan, that everything is interconnected and they're building emotional capital with each movie that you can then trade off of in the next film." 

Finally, Crave asked if the villain, supporting characters or character arc for Captain America in the third movie have also been in place for years. "No, all that stuff is open for interpretation," Joe said. "Usually it's just one big idea that alters the universe as a whole in some way, that has interconnectedness that he's grabbed on to. That's the case with Cap 3, but as far as villain and story arc and tone, all that stuff is left up to us."

What do you think will happen in Captain America 3? Let us know in the comments section.