iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus - Apple iPhone Review: Which New Mobile Phone Is Right For You & NBA, NFL, MLB & Premier League Sports Stars?

By Kenneth Brown | Sep 17, 2014 12:47 PM EDT

On Friday morning millions of people across the world will get their hands on the iPhone 6, and soon enough later, the iPhone 6 Plus - but which handset should you and the others be buying? You're not alone in getting excited, the iPhone is a popular phone, even across sports like the NBA, NFL, MLB and the Premier League. Of course most of those sports stars could afford both phones, but if they were to pick one, and if you're to pick one, which one should you pick? Our review will have you covered on which you need and why.

Apple have put a lot of effort, time and money in to these two phones. On their website they describe the iPhone 6: "iPhone 6 isn't simply bigger - it's better in every way. Larger, yet dramatically thinner. More powerful, but remarkably power efficient. With a smooth metal surface that seamlessly meets the new Retina HD display. It's one continuous form where hardware and software function in perfect unison, creating a new generation of iPhone that's better by any measure." But is it actually that good? In a word, yes.

The iPhone 6 has a better battery life, with many reviewers stating that it actually lasts an entire day of being used, unlike the iPhone 5 and many others. The iPhone 6 Plus is described as having a battery that can last two days. If battery life is the all important feature for you, then quite possibly the Plus is the model for you.

Sports stars might be facing a different dilemma. Sure "bigger is better", right? However, many elite superstars have always been proud to hold the coolest, smallest new gadget, so how would they feel about the iPhone 6 Plus? If battery life appeals to them, and yourself, then of course the Plus will have you covered, but if you're worried about your phone making you look silly, then perhaps the iPhone 6 will do.

Both phones will have iOS 8, which Apple describes as being "our most advanced mobile operating system. And with incredible new capabilities and features designed to make the most of a larger display, iOS 8 doesn't just work seamlessly with iPhone 6. It makes every experience feel bigger and better."

Both phones are game-changers, but it's going to come down to two things. 1- How important is battery life to you? 2- Do you mind holding a "bigger" phone? Enjoy!