'Star Wars 7' Title News, Casting SPOILERS & Plot Rumors: Director Rian Johnson Talks J.J. Abrams' 'Episode VII' & Writing 'Star Wars 8'

By Jon Niles | Sep 19, 2014 03:52 PM EDT

With director Rian Johnson taking on the next Star Wars movie after J.J. Abrams' Episode VII (Episode VIII, of course), we know that the Looper filmmaker has some great insight into the 2015 movie. Naturally, every interview he takes part in these days are full of Star Wars questions, so his latest with Terry Gilliam had our attention right away! (SPOILERS to follow)

"[H]onestly, it's the most fun I've ever had writing," Johnson explained in the interview from the TalkHouse podcast. "It's just joyous. But also for me personally, I grew up, not just watching those movies but playing with those toys, so as a little kid the first movies I was making in my head were set in that world. So a big part of it is that sort of direct connection, its almost like an automatic jacking-in into childhood in a weird way I guess.... but I don't know, ask me again in a few years, we'll talk about it."

Gilliam then went on to ask Johnson about working with an already established franchise and how freely he can work with it.

"I'm dancing on top of the avalanche a little bit," the director said. "So I'll have more perspective in a while but it's a balance of remembering what inspires you about it [the original films], but you can probably go to the wrong place by feeling too responsible to it. You have to keep your head loose enough to tell a story you actually care about."

Check out the bits of the interview over at Slash Film!