[WATCH] Leonardo DiCaprio Speaks At United Nations Climate Summit: ‘Wolf Of Wall Street’ Actor Calls For “Immediate Action” From Government & Industry

By Kyle Dowling k.dowling@musictimes.com | Sep 23, 2014 01:02 PM EDT

This past Sunday, New York City streets were filled with protesters marching for People's Climate Change in order to "bend the course of history" and save the world from the immense problem of climate change. One marching alongside the protestors was actor-activist Leonardo DiCaprio.

In his newly fitted role as the U.N. Messenger of Peace, the Wolf of Wall Street actor took to the stand of the United Nations earlier this morning (Tuesday, Sept. 23) to deliver a thought-provoking speech about accelerated climate change.

"You can make history," he said, "or you can be vilified by it."

Sitting at just under four minutes, DiCaprio kicked off his speech at the Grand Assembly Hall saying that he comes "not as an expert, but as a concerned citizen" to speak as a representative as one of the 400,000 people who marched on Sunday.

Check out DiCaprio's speech at the United Nations below:

"As an actor, I pretend for a living. I play fictitious characters, often solving fictitious problems," he said. "I believe that mankind has looked at climate change in the same way –– as if it were a fiction, as if pretending that climate change wasn't real would somehow make it go away."

Arguably one of the most outspoken actors in Hollywood, DiCaprio has become incredibly well versed and well respected in his ventures to make this planet a better place.

He ended his speech by making it known that in order to save climate change we must do more than merely replace our light bulbs and purchase hybrid cars. "This is now about our industries and our governments around the world taking decisive and large scale action."