WATCH: Larry King Trending On Vine Following Social Media Week Appearance With Collab [VIDEO]

By Kyle Dowling | Sep 25, 2014 10:58 PM EDT

Aside from being a legendary radio and television personality, Larry King is perhaps the most secretly hilarious man we've ever encountered. You'd know that if you followed him on Twitter or ever saw one of his many CONAN appearances. Well, now the icon has another title to add to his resume: Vine star.

That's right – Larry King is trending on Vine thanks to the digital studio Collab's Head of Talent Will McFadden and the company's uber popular Vine stars Ry Doon and KC James –– who together have nearly 7 million Vine followers.

Earlier this morning, King sat down with Collab's key players during Social Media Week in Los Angeles for a panel hosted by the company. In fact, it was called "Let's Get Larry King Trending on Vine." Well, congrats – you did it!

The three participated in a Q&A with the former Larry King Live host about the platform, which allows users to create 6-second videos and post them online. King himself is no stranger to technology, of course, having garnered himself 2.51 million followers on Twitter and is currently the host of Larry King Now on Ora TV.

As of now, King's video has welcomed more than 382,000 loops in just four hours.

Okay, because we've kept you waiting long enough, check out Larry King's first ever Vine video:

So, what are your thoughts on King's face towards the end? Confusion? Anger? Annoyance at the loud noise? You tell us!

Adding to it (as if you need any more entertainment), here are some photographs from the event:

It's official: Larry King is still the coolest man alive.