Cam Newton, Kyle Orton, Leodis McKelvin: NFL Players Today’s Top GIFs, Twitter Reacts

With a fan fake-out, a ridiculous catch and an elbow to the head, Cam Newton, Julio Jones and Leodi McKelvin top this week's best GIFs around the NFL.

During the Carolina Panthers' 31-24 victory over the Chicago Bears on Sunday, Newton attempted to hand off a game ball to a young fan in the stands when an adult nearby tried to go in for the grab. Newton pulled a quick one on the man and made sure the ball went to the intended kid instead. The little one was thrilled!

Nice work, Cam.

(In other Newton-related news, he has some... interesting... nicknames for his teammates.)

Over in New Jersey, during the Atlanta Falcons' game against the New York Giants, Julio Jones made yet another improbable catch.

That makes for about the one millionth such catch for the Falcons wide receiver so far this year.

And finally, as SB Nation writer Seth Rosenthal so eloquently put it, "The Bills haven't had much go right so far Sunday, and it's not just on the field." As Leodis McKelvin protested a Detroit Lions score ­– which was under review­ – along the sideline, he elbowed a member of the Bills coaching staff in the back of the head.