Katy Perry, Trevor Knight, Tyler Knight & Kate Williams: Dating- NCAA- Oklahoma College Football QB To Lose Pop Princess To Brother

By Kenneth Brown | Oct 05, 2014 05:45 PM EDT

Unless you've been hiding under a rock lately, you've probably heard that Katy Perry is crushing on NCAA QB Trevor Knight, who plays for Oklahoma, however, quickly it emerged that he's already committed to the gorgeous Kate Williams. However, Trevor's brother Tyler Knight has jumped to the forefront, suggesting that the 'Dark Horse' singer should date him instead, as he is available. How will this humorous dating adventure end, and will Knight have a say on this romantic tale?

Perry held up a heart-shaped sign, showing her affection for the QB on ESPN, but he's had no words to offer on the situation. He has been dating Williams for around a year, so it seems like Perry had best find a new young QB to crush on. However, she could settle for the Oklahoma QB's brother, who has offered himself as a potential date.

The single brother is a 23-year-old farmer, and he insists he and his brother are very different, yet he is willing to date Perry, whereas the QB most certainly isn't. Will Katy add to this situation and let his brother take her out, or will she quietly wish she'd never embarrassed herself on the live television?

It's clear to all that Trevor may never be able to listen to a Katy song while his current girlfriend is around, and if he does, he will certainly have some explaining to do. With the world focusing on all the negative aspects that come with some of the troubled sport stars, this situation has been a refreshing, light-hearted change of subject.