'The Flash' Recap: Grant Gustin's Barry Allen Takes On DC Comics' "Multiplex" In "Fastest Man Alive!"

By Jorge Solis j.solis@mstarsnews.com | Oct 15, 2014 01:37 AM EDT

The CW's The Flash continues to race towards the finish line with all-new episode. In 'Fastest Man Alive,' Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) is about to take on another DC Comics super villain named Multiplex.

Thought the Flash can save lives, Barry (Gustin) is still late for work. Barry realizes the perpetrator that they are looking for, may possibly be six members of a team. Unfortunately, the camera only shows one person responsible for the crime scene, not six.  

At a convention, William Stagg (William Sadler) is threatened  by by the masked madman, named Multiplex, an employee of his. Just when The Flash thinks he has the clone beaten, Multiplex creates more of himself, so that he can beat the crap out of the Flash. 

Barry and Joe (Jesse L. Martin) have a shouting match over his lateness and holding two things. Joe says that Barry should realize he is just a kid, not a hero. Feeling with the burden of losing , Barry feels like he should quit after losing his first fight.

Harrison warns Joe that he will be the cause of Barry's downfall. When Barry should be running at his full capacity, he won't be able to because there is doubt in his head. In the flashbacks, Joe has tried to be a good father to Barry, even though they aren't related by blood.

Young Barry finally meets his father, Henry (John Wesley Shipp) in prison. Henry doesn't want Barry to see him handcuffed, inside a prison cell. Barry has never given up on his father, wanting to prove his innocence. 

While Barry makes an apology for ditching her, Iris (Candice Pattton) realizes she still wants to be a journalist. She wants to investigate the "red streak" who is saving people's lives. Just when Barry is about to talk, he receives a call from Caitlin, telling him there is a clone in the headquarters. 

Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) discovers a major clue about the clone she made. Just like Barry, Multiplex uses a lot of mental and physical strength to use his powers. The clone Caitlin made wakes up suddenly, attacking the others, but Joe arrives in time to shoot the copy down.

The entire group now knows Stagg is under attack. Taking Harrison's advice, Joe encourages Barry to take the fight to Multiplex. Just when he is about to be shot to death, the Flash arrives and takes Stagg back to his private quarters.

Though Multiplex has cloned thousands of himself, the Flash can pinpoint who is the original. The red speedster run straight towards the original, knocking him out of the window. The Flash tries to keep his enemy from falling, but Multiplex lets himself fall to the ground.

Though Stagg should be celebrating, he is deep in thought over, the so-called "red streak." After entering the room, Harrison listens to Stagg obsessing over the scarlet speedster. He will do anything to control power like that.

Harrison has heard enough and stands up, catching Stagg by surprise. Because he has no security, no one is there to stop Harrison from plunging the knife into Stagg. After being stabbed,Stagg drops to the floor, possibly dead.

Barry Allen may have a twisted guardian angel protecting him in The Flash. Readers what did you think of Fastest Man Alive?