Coffee vs. Tea, Best Breakfast Beverage? [POLL]: Potluck VIDEO Introduces 'Coffee For Tea Lovers,' Twitter Weighs-In On Brewing Debate [WATCH]

By Danica Bellini, Mstars Associate Editor | Oct 23, 2014 11:29 AM EDT

Team Coffee or Team Tea?

According to, some fans of the herbel refreshment might be "scared" to indulge in the darker, more potent beverage. But the folks over at Noble Tree can help fix that!

Check out this awesome "coffee for tea lovers" clip, posted on YouTube back in August:

Tea drinkers can often be afraid of coffee, but is there a way to make them into coffee believers? We went to Nobletree coffee to learn how to pick the right cofee beans and brew using a chemex in order to have coffees that are more reminiscent of tea. 

Pretty cool - both coffee AND tea enthusiasts should give it a try!

The debate is still out on Twitter...

@ssophiemarie: "The daily coffee vs tea battle weighs heavy on my heart."

@McKinzeyBanks: "I'd rather have a cup of tea in the morning vs a cup of coffee."

@OSHxciv: "Coffee VS Tea? Sehun: Tea. I only drink coffee when I'm tired. I don't enjoy drinking it coz I'm still a kid. Haha."

@phillydesign: "Coffee makes you feel strong and mighty, tea makes you feel puny. A personal observation..."

@Bassem_Sabry: "In the long and gruelling Tea Vs Coffee debate, I've chosen tea, and not looking back."

Fun fact - both poplar breakfast brews actually have different health benefits... who knew?

So, let's hear it MstarsNews readers - would you rather...

Now that it's fall, there are so many seasonal flavors to enjoy for both sides of the spectrum. Enjoy it!