'Once Upon A Time' Recap- "Breaking Glass" Season 4 Episode 5- Find Out Emma's Connection To The Snow Queen

By Mitch Thorpe, Mstars News writer | Oct 27, 2014 07:52 AM EDT

Things are getting a little frosty in the town of Storybrooke as we catch up with Elsa, Anna, and the rest of the Once Upon a Time Gang. Elsa is still on a quest to try to find her sister Anna, while Emma and the rest of the town are trying to find the elusive Snow Queen to get her to unfreeze the town's boarders. However, both of these tasks seem to be proving pretty fruitless.

While we knew that Emma and Elsa's memories were stolen by the Snow Queen, this is something new that the two girls find out during this episode. Emma's connection to the frigid royal becomes even more suspicious when she discovers picture of her conversing with the Snow Queen amongst the town records.

It seems like everyone is on a mission to find the Snow Queen as Regina is looking for her in order for her to help unfreeze Mirian. We're not really sure why the former Evil Queen is going to such great lengths to help Mirian, when she is the person standing in the way of Regina and Robin Hood being together.

In a flashback scene we get to see what a bad-ass Emma Swan used to be, when she was a kid. In Hopkins, Minneosta, in 1998, we see a young Emma trying to steal a box of pop tarts from a grocery store, only to be caught a few seconds later by the store clerk. Luck for Emma she finds a friend named Lily, who helps her out of the mix up. However, the girls get into even more trouble when the friends uses a stolen credit card to go on a shopping spree. As soon as they step out of the grocery store they are chased down by an angry man in an SUV.

In present day Storybrooke, while Elsa waits for Emma to get some information from Regina on the Snow Queens whereabouts, she gets her first vision of Ann. Her sister calls out to her in the cemetery. Elsa follows the figment of Anna through the woods, which leads to the Snow Queen. The villainess captures the Elsa as she doesn't want her to stand in the way of her master plan. In all her evil glory, the Snow Queen decides to build a snowman. However, it doesn't seem like her plan will come to fruition as Elsa breaks the chains that imprisoned her by using her magic.

Sydney aka the magic Mirror finds the Snow Queens lair, and tries to lead Regina to her through the use of a compact mirror. Emma stumbles upon Regina also searching for the Snow Queen's lair and she decides to tag along, something which the Evil Queen isn't so happy about.

In a flashback Emma and Lily have a picnic and compare their time in orphanages. They then decide it would be best for them to stick together and crash in an abandoned house on the edge of a lake. They play video games on the families PlayStation and eat junk food. However, when Lily's father shows up it seems that their friendship is ruined as the girl lied about being an orphan. She says that she never lied and that she hates living at home with her adopted parents. Emma turns her back on Lily and walks away.

Emma and Regina, still in search of the Snow Queen, run into her snowman minion. They join forces and ultimately defeat him, just in time for the Snow Queen to make her appearance. Turns out that what she really wanted was the compact mirror housing Sydney, and she tricked Regina into bring the compact to her.

Now in possession of the mirror, the Snow vanishes and frees Sydney from his glassy imprisonment for helping her to get her hands on the mirror.

The compact seems to be especially important for the Snow Queen. She breaks the frame and uses it as a final piece to a bigger mirror. As she puts the fragmented piece into her large magic mirror, she says that she one step closer to getting what she ultimately wants, which is a family that loves her.

While going through old footage from one of Emma's old video cameras that she used during her childhood, she makes a pretty astonishing discovery. Turns out that the Snow Queen was actually Emma's foster mother during her childhood.

Tune In next week for an all-new episode of Once Upon A Time.

[Image coutesy of Once Upon A Time's Facebook]