5 Natural Beauty Secrets You Can Probably Find In Your Kitchen!

By Elena Lopez Elena.Lopez@mstarsnews.com | Oct 28, 2014 06:04 PM EDT

When searching for the "best" beauty products in the market, it's easy to get lost in a sea of high-tech/chemical based potions, which for the most part, contain ingredients we can't even pronounce. Handmade Natural Beauty is a company that specializes in natural beauty products, which are made in small batches with the highest quality of skin-nourishing ingredients.

If you really want to go "organic," your kitchen is the best place to find the most effective beauty products money can buy. Many people forget some of the best ingredients for healthy, glowing skin are in the foods we consume every day. According to Lady Lux, many of the foods you eat to stay energized and healthy have the same effect on skin and hair when applied topically. Simplify your skincare regimen with these 5 natural beauty secrets straight from your fridge!


You can actually make your own hydrating shampoo with honey. This all-natural shampoo mixture will cleanse and hydrate your hair without all the suds. Mix three tablespoons of water with one tablespoon of honey. You can also apply honey to your skin as a facial. After cleansing your face, apply honey to your skin and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing. Honey will keep your skin smooth and clear, as it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.


Eggs are great to use as both hair and face masks, and even as a body scrub. If you have dry or normal skin, apply one egg yolk to your clean face and in about five minutes, wash off with lukewarm water. If your skin is oily, use the egg white instead. Before washing your hair, apply one or two eggs (depending on hair length) to your hair, from root to tip. Leave in for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water. Otherwise the eggs can cook in your hair! As a body scrub, mix honey and egg whites with sea salt. It will leave your skin soft and clean.


Coffee grinds are great for reducing cellulite, stretch marks and improving circulation. Use ground coffee alone or combine with sugar and coconut oil to make an exfoliating body scrub. Apply this in the shower and rinse off.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has many health benefits, especially for your skin and hair. Coconut is one of the most hydrating fruits, and restores moisture better than any chemical-based beauty product out there. It deeply penetrates the hair shaft and is perfect for hydrating and conditioning dry damaged hair. It is also great for moisturizing dry skin. Apply generously on rough areas like heels, knees and elbows.


Lemons have numerous uses for beauty treatments. Use as a toner and clarifying moisturizer by mixing a few drops of coconut water with a few drops of lemon juice to hydrate and clear your skin of imperfections. If your elbows and knees appear dark, simply rub them with half of a lemon to lighten your skin. Lemons are also antibacterial and can treat acne. Slice a lemon and squeeze the juice on your face to reduce blackheads and blemishes.