'Modern Family' Sarah Hyland Opens Up About Abusive Relationship [VIDEO] Quotes Robert Frost Poem: "The Only Way Out Is Through"

By Mitch Thorpe, Mstars News writer | Oct 29, 2014 12:56 PM EDT

Modern Family star Sarah Hyland has been staying very positive in the wake of her recent breakup with her boyfriend. The star appeared on The Meredith Vieira show where she opened up about her five-year relationship with abusive boyfriend Matt Prokop.

In the clip, Meredith talks one-on-one with Sarah about her own abusive relationship in the past, saying that she experienced similar things and was the same age as Sarah when everything transpired with her. The TV host then asked the actress how she manages to stay so positive through all the adversity that she is facing. The Modern Family star says that it's two poems that have helped her in this trying time.

"There are two quotes that I want to say," Hyland explained. "One is a Dylan Thomas poem: 'Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light,' which is one of my favorites poems. It just strikes a chord in me."

She also quotes another poem by Robert Frost, explaining that it has also helped her get through this difficult time.

"The only way out is through," the star says, before adding "people have to go through things to become the person that they are today, and that's that."

The star has turned the sayings into her own personal mantra to deal with her current situation, but despite it all she has remained a positive person.

As we previously reported, the starlet told E! New during an ASPCA event that she dove into her work to try to keep her mind off of her current hardships.

"I have an amazing work ethic," the 23-year-old revealed. "I love working. I'm a workaholic."