Ben Affleck Reportedly Films Smallville Cemetery Scene for 'Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice'

By Andrew Meola | Nov 04, 2014 03:18 PM EST

We recently received some information about Ben Affleck's Batman costume in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and now we have some more news about a scene the actor filmed at a cemetery in Superman's hometown of Smallville.

Comic Book Movie reports photographer Gregory Zonsius has sent a photo of Affleck as Bruce Wayne on set to According to the report, Affleck was on set in Yorkville, Illinois, the same place where Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner) was buried in Man of Steel.

Of course, this begs the question of why Bruce is there. Is he paying respects to Pa Kent or someone else? The photographer also claimed Henry Cavill was on set, and another eyewitness said Diane Lane (Martha Kent), Laurence Fishburne (Perry White) and Amy Adams (Lois Lane) were on set.

Check out the photos here.

As for Batman's costume, Batman-News reports it has received information from a source who spoke to Affleck's trainer while he was in London teaching nutrition classes over the weekend. The anonymous source claims there are two versions of the Batsuit in the movie, one regular and one armored. The armored version is reportedly covered in Kryptonite and can also shoot missiles.

The source also claims there are two Batmobiles, and Batman-News cites an earlier report in which it said there would be a flying vehicle in the movie.

Finally, one scene will show Affleck without his shirt on, though this is apparently not just to show off the results of his training. The scene is reportedly "beautifully shot and shows Affleck overlooking a destroyed city (probably Metropolis?)."

What do you think of the photos? Let us know in the comments section.