RUMOR: The Amazing Spider-Man 3 Could Bring Back Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy

By Andrew Meola | Nov 05, 2014 01:02 PM EST

Before we get into this rumor, we want to be crystal clear that this is nothing more than a rumor and speculation at this point. But given the state of The Amazing Spider-Man franchise and how much the news on the movies has changed, we feel it's worth calling to your attention.

Now that we've got that out of the way, MAJOR SPOILER ALERT for The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) died at the end of the movie when the Green Goblin (Dane DeHaan) dropped her from the top of a clock tower and Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) couldn't get to her in time. Or maybe he did and she died anyway. It was hard to tell.

Regardless, it was a powerful moment and an iconic one from the comics, and many fans assumed that was the end of Gwen Stacy and Emma Stone for this franchise. After all, Gwen is one of a few (and we're talking count on one hand, here) characters in comics who have died and actually stayed dead for good.

But that could change, according to this latest rumor. Christian Today (which, to be fair, has actually reported some solid scoops in the past) reports Sony plans to resurrect Gwen for The Amazing Spider-Man 3 as the Marvel Comics did and have the villain called the Jackal clone her. This was an infamous arc in the comics, and the real Gwen was still dead, but it could provide a way for the studio to get one of the co-leads from the previous film back into the franchise.

As we said, this is nothing more than a rumor at this point, but what do you make of it? Let us know in the comments section.