‘Mulaney’ Recap: Comedian John Mulaney’s Mother Pays A Visit On “In The Name of the Mother, and the Son and the Holy Andre” [VIDEO]

By Kyle Dowling k.dowling@musictimes.com | Nov 09, 2014 10:37 PM EST

Tonight's episode of FOX's series Mulaney – titled "In the Name of the Mother, and the Son and the Holy Andre" – introduced a new character to the stand up's show... his mother! And, as you'd imagine, things did not go as planned.

The episode kicked off with John Mulaney and Motif (Seaton Smith) prepping for the arrival of the comic's mother. To satisfy her, Mulaney puts up an Irish blessing on the door... which is a little less-than-soothing, to be real.

The duo, along with Jane (Nasim Pedrad), follow up with a conversation about God and a number of ways Mulaney seems to placate his mother –– including making up a Father Trey that he's supposedly good friends with. Oddly enough, the talk turns to sex, with Jane discussing her recent relationship with a lawyer who is firmly supporting a certain brand of birth control. When she brings the fact that she's on the brand (mainly because she loves having sex with her current fling), we discover that Motif is completely clueless as to what it is. Much like he was during last week's episode with NBC's famed series Friends. 

Mulaney's mother (played by Nora Dunn) then enters and immediately begins nitpicking... like a true Irish Catholic! Following her greetings (where we learn Motif's real name is Gerald), Mulaney brings his mother to work.

The FOX star introduces mom to Lou Cannon (Martin Short). Regardless of his hesitance at first (because she wasn't more "recently born"), Cannon is flattered at hearing that Mulaney's mother loves his dramatic acting. He then invites her to a baseball game with he and David Letterman... which means she'll be staying longer and can finally meet Father Trey.

Back at Mulaney's apartment, he and Motif are trying to figure out how to get his mother not to stay the extra nights. Jane then enters with her lawyer boyfriend, who leaves to work on a case. When he's gone, it seems that Jane's birth control is giving her some serous mood swings... only to Mulaney and Motif, however.

Immediately after, Andre enters with some pot brownies for Mulaney's mother. He admits that he's on the same birth control as Jane.

We then find Mulaney, his mother and Cannon on a tour of New York. Cannon admits that he likes to show tourists the grittiness of the NYC side streets. You know, the things they don't normally see. Unfortunately for him, they're in the middle of Times Square. It seems good ole Lou Cannon is falling for Mrs. Mulaney. Not to worry... the comic has a plan. He heads on over to a church to try and convince a priest to be Father Trey. Unsurprisingly, it's a no-go.

Back from the commercial, Mulaney is watching TV at two in the morning. He gets on his knees and prays (awkwardly, we might add) to God, asking his mother not find out he lied about church. He's then discovered by Jane, who cries, "Ew, are you praying?" To that, Mulaney delivers easily the funniest line of the episode... "No, I'm just masturbating!"

The next morning, the comedian is at mass with his mother. In walks Father Trey (portrayed hilariously by comedian Pete Holmes). Best of all, it turns out Mulaney didn't set it up; it's a miracle. Unfortunately, the priest he tried to bribe to pretend to be Father Trey (who knew all about his lies) passed away the previous night ... at 2:01 a.m. ... which is ... freaky.

Back at the apartment, Jane is for some reason morphing into Andre because of her birth control. Looks like she needs to get rid of those pills! Unfortunately, her boyfriend isn't too happy about that. And, of course, the relationship ends.

The episode concludes with Mulaney's mother telling him about the game and the comic coming clean about Father Trey. Thinking she'd be furious, he's more so confused when he learns his mother kissed Lou Cannon. Oh no!

Stay tuned for next week's episode!