'Interstellar' Director Christopher Nolan Talks 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' - Filmmaker Excited For J.J. Abrams' 2015 Blockbuster

By Jon Niles | Nov 11, 2014 06:10 AM EST

While the majority of the world is desperately hanging on every piece of information about J.J. Abrams' upcoming 2015 blockbuster, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it turns out a famed director also falls into that category with us! Interstellar director Christopher Nolan this week revealed that he's very excited about the Disney film and that he can't wait to see what Abrams does with the franchise!

Read more Interstellar news here!

What do you think of the new title for Stars Wars: Episode VII? Check out some Twitter reactions to this name here!

Read our previous coverage of this title news, with some more rumors, right here:

'Star Wars 7' Title Revealed: 'The Force Awakens' - 'Episode VII' Spoilers, Rumors Plot Details & More HERE!

Nolan's venture into the filmmaking world of sci-fi was clearly influenced by 2001: A Space Odyssey, but the director also credits Star Wars for his love of the genre. In an interview with Yahoo! he explains how both films influenced Interstellar:

On top of this brief mention of Star Wars, Nolan also revealed to The Daily Beast that he's quite enthralled with Episode VII updates.

"I'm pretty excited to see what J.J. is going to do with that. I'm excited to see that he's shooting on film and actually built the Millennium Falcon," he revealed, according to Slash Film. "As far as whether or not I would have ever done it, the truth is I think I'd be afraid to touch it! He's boldly going where he went before in Star Trek, and it takes colossal balls. I'm a lot more comfortable trying to do my own thing than carrying the weight and expectation of the entire world-particularly 40-somethings like me who live and die with each new bit of information about Star Wars. But I'm very excited to see what he does."

What do you think of Nolan's comments? Let us know below!