Christopher Nolan Responds To 'Interstellar' Reviews, Writes Backstory Prequel Comic [PHOTOS]

By Jon Niles | Nov 18, 2014 03:30 PM EST

While we've seen a lot of praise from critics and fans, Interstellar reviews have also been negative at times. Issues with plot details, the science of the film and even the sound mixing have come up, and director Christopher Nolan has responded to the criticism. He's also writing a prequel comic to the film for Wired, which is a pretty good way to help with backstory!

Check out more of our movie coverage right here!

"My films are always held to a weirdly high standard for those issues that isn't applied to everybody else's films-which I'm fine with," he told The Daily Beast earlier this month in regards to his plot. "People are always accusing my films of having plot holes, and I'm very aware of the plot holes in my films and very aware of when people spot them, but they generally don't."

While speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Nolan responded to criticism about sound issues with Interstellar in movie theaters.

"I've always loved films that approach sound in an impressionistic way and that is an unusual approach for a mainstream blockbuster, but I feel it's the right approach for this experiential film," he told the magazine. "Many of the filmmakers I've admired over the years have used sound in bold and adventurous ways. I don't agree with the idea that you can only achieve clarity through dialogue. Clarity of story, clarity of emotions-I try to achieve that in a very layered way using all the different things at my disposal-picture and sound."

So it looks like Nolan is able to accept criticism and respond in a civilized way!

In more exciting news, Nolan has penned a prequel comic book for Interstellar over at Wired for the magazine's newest issue, for which he was a guest editor.

Check out some photos of this comic here!

Nolan also spoke about directing Star Wars, of which he's a huge fan. He detailed his excitement over the recently titled The Force Awakens movie from J.J. Abrams in a new interview. Read more on that right here!