'The Mindy Project' Recap: “Diary Of A Mad Indian Woman” Reveals Mindy’s Deepest Secrets About Danny

By Johnni Macke | Nov 19, 2014 08:53 AM EST

This week's episode of The Mindy Project reveals Mindy's deepest secrets about her relationship with Danny. "Diary of a Mad Indian Woman," centers on Mindy's diary and a new group of med students.

The episode begins with Mindy sleeping on Danny's side of the bed. Since she always stays at his place she wants to sleep on her favorite side, which Danny doesn't like, but agrees to. Danny then finds a bunch of Slim Jims in the bed and decides that the only way for this to work is to sleep head to toe, which doesn't end well. Danny accidentally kicks Mindy in the eye and she freaks out.

The next day at work Mindy wears a pink, glitter eye patch to show everyone that Danny kicked her. To make her stop complaining Danny agrees to stay that night at Mindy's place that night and she gets very excited. Mindy is then called into Dr. Fishman's office where she is called out for lying about her teaching duties. Mindy has had Morgan filling in for her during her teaching rounds at the hospital and Dr. Fishman is not okay with it.

While trying to talk her way out of teaching the medical students, Mindy says the best quote of the night. She explains that she is too young to be their teacher and that her student's reaction to her being in charge would be, "She's our teacher? She should be the star of her own Disney show!" Unfortunately, Dr. Fishman doesn't care and tells her she must teach that evening or else she will be in big trouble.

In order to spend time with Danny that night, Mindy has Tamra fill in for her and it is hilarious. As Mindy is making out with Danny on her couch, Dr. Fishman calls her and tells her to come to the hospital to teach or she will be fired! Mindy goes, but she tells Danny to stay and get comfortable.

As Danny starts to explore her apartment, he discovers he has a lot of issues with her place. He hates her absurd shower products and her over-the-top amounts of pillows. When he hears a weird noise in her room he goes into her drawer and then finds her diary! He can't decide if he should read it or put it back.

At the hospital, Mindy arrives and the group of students is eagerly waiting to learn from her. From the beginning of the night, one resident named TJ stands out. He is confident and a know it all, which Mindy tries to shut down. She decides to have Candice, a quiet student help her in surgery and TJ is pissed.

Back at her apartment Danny starts to read her diary. He discovers that Mindy had a crush on him since the first day of their residency together. He continues to read that she thinks his butt is hot and that she has had sex dreams about him. As he is reading the diary, Morgan comes in and scares him, which causes him to spill wine everywhere.

The next day Morgan and Danny try to talk Jeremy into transcribing Mindy's diary so she never knows what happened to it. Jeremy can forge anyone's handwriting so he eventually agrees to do it. As he is rewriting it he starts to read it out loud and uncovers that Mindy thinks Danny should propose before Christmas or else she might break up with him. Although Danny thinks it is way too early Morgan and Jeremy think it is actually really feasible.

Meanwhile Dr. Fishman pays Mindy another visit. She tells her that TJ filed a sexism complaint against her after she wouldn't let him scrub in on the surgery. Mindy is forced to go and apologize to him at the gym. She admits that the reason she wanted him to take a step back is because she sees herself in him. She tells him that he needs to learn how to be a team player in order to be successful and he understands.

Later that evening TJ goes to apologize to Candice and she starts to make out with him! Peter gets mad at Mindy for ruining TJ, who now is distracted by Candice and for making Candice worse, because she can no longer focus at all. Mindy is pissed and tells Candice she is done helping her.

In a switch back to Danny he tells his mom all about Mindy's timeline and he is getting more and more scared by it. He says that getting engaged by Christmas is a lot of pressure on the Lord's birthday! Annette tells him to break up with her if he doesn't want to marry her; after all she isn't young so she doesn't have time to be led on... yikes.

After a long day teaching Mindy decides to go back to her place and not stay at Danny's, which makes him panic about the diary, which isn't finished yet. He manages to get it back from Jeremy, but has to run to Mindy's place and sneak in through the window before she gets home. He manages to pull it off and he is relieved.

When she gets home Danny starts to freak out about staying the night at her place. He tells her it is a big deal to him and he doesn't like the stress of her timeline, which is more about marriage and less about staying at her place. She tells him she doesn't care if he stays so he leaves. A moment later he comes back in, yells at her for not locking the door and decides to stay over. Seriously, they are so cute.

What did you think about this week's episode of The Mindy Project?

Photo: The Mindy Project's Facebook