The Big Bang Theory New Episode Review: 'The Champagne Reflection' Gets Melancholy

By Andrew Meola | Nov 21, 2014 04:10 PM EST

The Big Bang Theory aired the latest new episode in Season 8, "The Champagne Reflection," on Thursday. The episode focused on some of the more melancholy aspects of the show and of life, but it was a welcome change of pace from the usual fare.

Leonard, Howard and Raj cleaned out a deceased professor's office and came across what they thought could have been a scientific breakthrough. Unfortunately, it turned out to just be his food log, as the doctor was convinced that caloric intake was the key to eternal life. That theory, along with all of the professor's other work, went nowhere.

This made the three friends focus on the more somber aspects of life and of their profession. If a man's scientific work can go nowhere, and he has no family at home, then what's the point of all? Howard proposed that some people just won't ever accomplish anything great in their life, and instead they need to focus on the little moments that make it all worth it. Leonard agreed, and Howard humorously remarked that he's been to space, so he's covered.

The title of the episode derived from the bottle of champagne the friends found in his office. The professor's mother bought it for him to open when he had his first great breakthrough. Of course, because this never happened, the bottle stayed closed. The three then decided to save it for when one of them had a breakthrough. The entire plot showed that The Big Bang Theory can do melancholy and introspective when it wants to do so, rather than just turning its characters into stereotypes.

One of the two subplots in the episode also focused on the melancholy, as Sheldon said goodbye to his YouTube show, "Fun With Flags." He actually had a genuine and emotional moment at the end, which was a rare sight to see for the character. It also led to the humorous exchange in which Amy exploded at Sheldon and insisted she had recorded the episode after a previous incident in which she forgot to do so. Of course, Sheldon ruined the entire experience by immediately bringing back "Fun With Flags" and popping the champagne to celebrate.

The episode was not without humor, though. Sheldon's portrayal of George Washington Carver and his interactions with LeVar Burton were fantastic, and the other subplot with Bernadette's mean-spiritedness also yielded some funny moments.

But this episode was all about heart, and it was a nice emotional beat for the show to hit. The Big Bang Theory has been doing well lately, so hopefully it stays on track.


- I'm tired of everyone's sarcasm too, Raj. Keep it up.

- Stephen Root is welcome on any show, any time, and his reappearance here as Bernadette's terrified boss was even better than last time.

- Howard kind of has a point. He went to space. He's good.

- Sheldon asking LeVar Burton to dress up like a swastika was the most Sheldon thing Sheldon could have done.

What did you think of "The Champagne Reflection"? Let us know in the comments section.