The Walking Dead Season 5 Spoilers: Seth Gillam Reveals Father Gabriel's Mental State, Next Move

By Andrew Meola | Nov 24, 2014 06:53 PM EST

The newest episode of Season 5 of The Walking Dead showed Father Gabriel Stokes, played by Seth Gilliam, leaving his church to test the waters out in the wild on his own. But as "Crossed" showed us, the priest has a lot to learn about the way the world works post-apocalypse.

In an interview with, Gilliam discusses his character's actions in the episode. He reveals that he recorded some lines of dialogue in which Gabriel says he wants to check out the school to see if people had really resorted to cannibalism.

The site asks if Father Gabriel thinks Rick's group is bad or if he just doesn't want to be a part of what they do to stay alive. "Yeah, I'm not sure that at this point why they do what they do to the extent that they do it. And I don't know if he thinks they're bad people or good people who do bad things. I know that he's very tentative in terms of trusting them any further because they're dangerous, and dangerous in a way that he's never come across, and that's got to be frightening for him. But I don't know if at this point he's made up his mind whether they're good or bad people."


Father Gabriel is still alive in The Walking Dead comic, which has passed 130 issues. But Gilliam is not banking on that for job security.

"I have not read the source material. People have told me, okay, Father Gabriel is still around. But I'm not hanging my hat on that because there are so many different kinds of switchovers and changes between the characters from the graphic novels and the TV series. It's a show about people in extreme circumstances after a zombie apocalypse - I don't think anybody's got a real long shelf life, you know? So I am prepared every script that I get to see '...and then Gabriel gets his throat ripped out.' And I'd be fine with that, and if and when that happens will make it the most compelling or grisly or shocking or sad or joyful - if people hate the character - moment that it could possibly be. So I can't really feel that chest of hope that 'Hey, he's alive in the thing so I'm going to be here until they close this show down for good.' It just doesn't work that way."

What do you make of Gilliam's remarks? Let us know in the comments section.