Watch 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' 2015 Movie Trailer Online On Black Friday After Thanksgiving

By Jon Niles | Nov 26, 2014 08:43 PM EST

In case you were trying to decide which film to see in theaters this weekend in order to catch the first trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we have some news for you. It turns out that you don't even have to leave your home to see the first teaser for the 2015 J.J. Abrams film because it will be online on Black Friday! This isn't a rumor, either. The official Star Wars Twitter account announced the trailer will be up on iTunes! What a great way to celebrate Thanksgiving!

Related: Will The 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Trailer Premiere Thanksgiving Weekend?

You can check out the official tweet that announced the news right here:

Releasing the trailer online on the same day of the theater debut is a pretty great way to avoid pirated versions popping up. This way, Disney is in control of the film (for once).

Also, Lucasfilm and Disney have already confirmed that the trailer that will be online will in fact be the same as the one in theaters. So don't worry about feeling slighted if you don't want to go out to the cinema this weekend!

Slash Film suggests that the trailer will hit iTunes and other online sources midday on the West Coast, allowing for theatergoers to catch it first.

WATCH 'Star Wars 7' Fan Trailers [VIDEOS]

What do you think of this Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer news? Will you head to theaters to see the teaser or just wait for it to come online? Let us know in the comments section below!

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