Arrow Season 3 Spoilers: Will Laurel Tell Quentin About Sara?

By Andrew Meola | Nov 28, 2014 03:59 PM EST

Season 3 of Arrow is rolling on, and the premiere ended with a bang when an unknown attacker killed Sara Lance. Laurel was the only one there when she died, and to this day she has not told their father, Quentin, about his daughter's death. But could that soon change?

The "Spoiler Room" column at has some information on that subject.

"Will Laurel finally tell her dad the truth about Sara's death on Arrow? - Ken
It's sounding more and more like the holiday episode-featuring the return of Alex Kingston as Dinah Lance-may force her hand. 'Holidays are a good time to reunite family members,' executive producer Marc Guggemheim says. 'Obviously the Lance family has a lot of issues going on within it that only Laurel knows about. The advantage of bringing Alex Kingston back in this moment in time is to quite frankly turn the knife in Laurel's gut. We've been torturing her with the burdens of keeping this secret and that's going to get harder with Alex Kingston's arrival.'"

Laurel has not told Quentin about Sara's death because she's afraid the news would literally kill him given his heart condition. Fans have been pretty split on this issue, as some feel she's doing the right thing and protecting her family. Others think there is no reason for Captain Lance not to know about his daughter's demise and that he, in fact, has a right to know and to grieve.

Where do you fall on this issue? Should Laurel tell her father about Sara's death? Do you think she will tell him during the holiday episode? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.