‘The Talk’ Host Sharon Osbourne Loses Tooth Implant During CBS Show Taping: Ozzy’s Wife Jokes About “Bloody Fortune” Spent Following Black Sabbath New Album ‘13’ Release [VIDEO]

By Kyle Dowling k.dowling@musictimes.com | Dec 17, 2014 04:51 PM EST

Well, we've always known Sharon Osbourne knows how to deliver entertaining television – whether it be during her days of the VH1 reality series The Osbournes or her more recent gig on the CBS show The Talk. Either way, as the hilarious wife of rock star Ozzy Osbourne raises her age, so does her sense of humor raise with it –– even when things are falling apart, or just out of placement. On a recent taping of The Talk, Osbourne found herself in an odd situation when her tooth implant just fell out. And not being one to hide things from viewers and the public, the wife-o-Black Sabbath's frontman – who released their latest album 13 last year – went in head first and joked about what went down.

In the below video from Huffpost Comedy, Osbourne can be seen cracking up her Talk co-hosts and panelists, saying, "I spent a bloody fortune and the f*cking thing is falling out!" in referencing her tooth implant. Unfortunately, it just wasn't strong enough to stay in.

So, what did she do? Well, in true Sharon Osbourne fashion, she took the thing out and showed the crowd!

During the commercial break, Osbourne put herself back together (literally!) and went on with the show. Sadly, the adhesive she used to put the tooth back into place stuck to her lip, causing the tooth to also be stuck to her lip. Which ... is ... hilarious.

Check out the video of Osbourne's mishap on The Talk below:

We're not exactly sure who the guest was afterwards or what the topic of discussion was, but we can pretty much guarantee that it was not as entertaining as the Prince of Darkness' wife's tooth disaster.

Readers, what are your thoughts on Osbourne's hilarious mishap?