Bill Maher ‘Charlie Hebdo’ Tragedy Muslim Terrorist Attack Slam [VIDEO]: ‘Real Time’ Host Knocks Religion On ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ Following Paris Murders At Satirical Newspaper

By Kyle Dowling | Jan 09, 2015 10:08 AM EST

Following the horrific murders and attacks that took place in Paris surrounding the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo – which is now being known as the Charlie Hebdo Tragedy – the comedy world has done nothing but unleash an outpour of support for those overseas. A couple of nights ago, outspoken liberal comedian Bill Maher stopped by ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live to chat about what went down. And while the below clip definitely holds some funny to it, the Real Time host had no time getting ... well, real ... and deliver his sincere thoughts on the subject. Mainly the fact that the terroristic attack was done by those who believe in one religion and one religion only –– the Muslim religion.

"I'm very glad you're here because you're a very smart guy," Kimmel said to Maher as he took to his seat. Afterwards, the two brought up the Paris killings, which Maher calls "really big sh*t."

Immediately following, the Religulous lead went into his thoughts. "And we have to not avoid who did this. ... It's Muslim terrorists."

The comedian then went on to note that this sort of thing "happens too frequently" in the aforementioned religion, adding a little joke that didn't quite hit too hard, "It's like Groundhog Day, except if the groundhog kept getting his head cut off."

Check out Maher and Kimmel's discussion about the Charlie Hebdo tragedy here:

Maher did note, however, that we must give credit to the newspaper, stating that this satirical paper had "the balls of the Eiffel Tower." Mainly because no matter what went down, they kept doing what they were known (and respected) for doing, with Kimmel stating that the editor would "rather die than change..."

Readers, what do you think about Maher's thoughts on the Charlie Hebdo Tragedy?