RHOA Todd Tucker, Mama Joyce Beef After His Mother's Death, Still Doesn't Think Todd Is A Good Match For Kandi Burruss?

By Mereb Gebremariam m.gebremariam@mstarsnews.com | Jan 14, 2015 04:55 PM EST

"Real Housewives of Atlanta" reality star Kandi Burruss's mother, Mama Joyce still thinks Todd Tucker is using her for her money despite grieving over his mother's death.

In an interview with RadarOnline.com, the reality star said she still wants her daughter to be happy and doesn't want her to be used, "I didn't take from Kandi, I didn't use her ever," Mama Joyce added, "Kandi respects me and Kandi knows I raised her by myself and I sacrificed for her and I never spent her money. I was the one that helped her accumulate what she has."

"I want my child to be happy and I didn't want her to be taken advantage of. I wanted Kandi to marry somebody that had as much as she did." She continued, "I made up my mind that if that's who she chose then I am happy for her. I am not going to stress about it and I'm just going to accept it."

Now, it seems Mama Joyce has accepted the relationship despite her past efforts to urge her daughter to end her relationship, "Todd is doing well now. He has a show and I hope they stay together and be happy. I have accepted that they are together and she loves him."

Do you think Mama Joyce should get over Kandi's relationship?