'Transformers 5' Plot Details, Cast Rumors [SPOILERS] Michael Bay Movies' Dark Direction Concerns Optimus Prime Voice Actor Peter Cullen- Will New Sequels Be Lighter?

By Jon Niles | Jan 14, 2015 11:49 AM EST

For those of you that have seen the 2014 summer blockbuster Transformers: Age of Extinction, you probably noticed that the feel of the film was darker than the three films that came before it. Well so did Optimus Prime voice actor Peter Cullen. The acclaimed star of the series this week revealed that he wasn't too happy with the darker direction that Michael Bay and his crew took with the Mark Wahlberg-starring installment of the franchise, but he's hopeful that Transformers 5 and possibly 6 will get back to the series' roots and stay true to the lighter side of Prime and his Autobots. (SPOILERS to follow)

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According to Slash Film, the iconic voice actor took part in a Q&A session at SacAnime 2015, where he revealed his true feelings about Age of Extinction.

"There is a sense that Transformers movies are going into a darker area," Cullen explained at the event earlier this month. "I think I brought the concern to the movie studio and certainly to the writers. Perhaps...Transformers 5 and 6 movies will go back more to its roots. There was an occasion where one line [in Transformers: Age Of Extinction] which Optimus Prime had, I did not want to say. It was my gut instinct and certainly my commitment to the character... not to say the line. But I was told to say. You can't fight the big boys. I think you all know what that line was."

What do you think of Cullen's revealing statement about the 2014 movie? Are you hoping he's right about the next movies? Let us know what you think in the comments section below!

Transformers 5 has not received a release date yet, but Wahlberg is on-board and we're assuming Cullen is as well.

Watch Cullen's entire Q&A here: