ABC President Paul Lee Defends Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Ratings

By Andrew Meola | Jan 15, 2015 03:53 PM EST

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has had a creative renaissance in Season 2, but ratings have struggled throughout the year. Still, ABC President Paul Lee is not worried.

Lee referenced viewership numbers through DVR and On-Demand in defending the show's ratings. The L7 (Live Plus 7) and C7* ratings incorporate viewers who watch via DVR and on-demand services within seven days of the episode's initial airing.

"If you look at the L-3s and the L-7s, this show pops up to a 3, it brings in a male audience and creatively it's really, really strong now," Lee said, according to Zap2It. "We left a great cliffhanger [for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.] at the end of Christmas and now it's going to come back with some fantastic storylines as we go through. And to have Agent Carter in there in the gap doing sort of double what we were doing last year is great for us."

Lee was also asked if ABC feels any pressure by Marvel's plans with Netflix, and if the weaker ratings for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. mean the series is in danger. "[We feel no pressure at all]. Absolutely none at all," Lee said. "This is really us. We drive this. We have ambitions for Marvel in the future. We love Marvel."

The "Ask Ausiello" column at TVLine has some information about the upcoming episodes.

"Question: Any scoop on Sleepy Hollow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Carter, SVU, NCIS, or Once Upon A Time's Captain Swan? -Kate
Ausiello: I choose...Column B! Kyle MacLachlan tells us that even though Skye spared Cal's life in the midseason finale - just prior to her 'transformation' - 'I think it's only going to get more difficult' for daughter and father as Season 2 resumes. At least as far as he can tell. 'When they hand me the scripts, I'm always pleasantly surprised by the direction they take the character in and what they're asking me to do,' the actor says. 'I like playing his scary side, and I like playing the father and man who has been through a lot.'"

What do you think of the ratings? Let us know in the comments section.