Scorpion New Episode Review: 'Forget Me Nots' Continues Focus on Walter and Paige

By Andrew Meola | Jan 20, 2015 01:39 PM EST

Scorpion aired another new episode on Monday night entitled "Forget Me Nots," which continued the focus on Walter and Paige after Sunday night's special episode entitled "Charades" after the AFC Championship Game between the Indianapolis Colts and New England Patriots.

"Charades" brought the Walter and Paige story into full focus as Paige had to help teach Walter how to flirt, and the two ultimately wound up growing closer and complicating their feelings for each other. Their relationship got even more complicated in "Forget Me Nots," as Drew brought up the possibility that he, Paige, and Ralph could move to Portland.

Walter, of course, was against the idea, as he continued to be increasingly antagonistic toward Drew and pointed out all the flaws of moving to Portland. Paige struggled with the idea for most of the episode, until the end when Walter gave an actual heartfelt plea for her to stay rather than a list of facts about the temperature in Oregon.

Walter admitted that having Ralph (and by extension, Paige) around has made him less of himself and a better man. So if they leave, then it wouldn't be good for him. Paige, thankful for his honesty, admitted that she would miss Walter if they moved. When Ralph came home and announced he had been invited to another kid's birthday party, Paige was practically giddy with excitement and all but said "we're not moving, Drew."

It's also a smart move on the show's part to make Drew a decent human being. It would be way too easy to root for Walter and Paige if Drew were just a selfish jerk. But instead, Drew is a guy who used to be a selfish jerk and made a mistake a long time ago, but he now wants to be a better man and a better father. It complicates the scenario just enough to keep it interesting.

The development between the two was more or less well done, but the rest of the episode highlighted more of the problems with Scorpion. The clunky dialogue and painful exposition returned, especially when Happy was stopping a train with a magnet.

Speaking of which, the ridiculous plot developments and action returned in "Forget Me Nots." The team needed to unlock a man's memories about a briefcase of nuclear launch codes stolen more than a decade ago, so they used electrical stimulation to boost his brainpower. When that wasn't enough, they recreated the circumstances of the situation years earlier and somehow made him remember the sound of the touch-tone keypad to recover a phone number.

Oh, and they turned Cabe into the T-1000 again by using the same stimulation on him. It was completely absurd.

The Walter and Paige storyline will likely culminate at the end of the season, so we'll have to wait to see what develops between the two of them.

What did you think of "Forget Me Nots"? Let us know in the comments section.