'Teen Mom 2' Leah Messer Custody Taken Away: Did MTV Star Pass Drug Test To Keep Twins Amid War with Ex Corey Simms?

By Larry Abuliak larry.abuliak@mstarsnews.com | Jan 24, 2015 04:38 PM EST

Teen Mom 2 star Leah Messer has been going through marriage hell after her cheating scandal with husband Jeremy Calvert, but now the MTV star finally has some good news in her life following her custody battle with ex-husband Corey Simms.

After rumors surfaced, the reality star was on drugs, she was ordered to take a drug test to make sure she was fit to take care of her twin daughters Ali and Aleeah. Luckily for her, the results came back negative.

"She was a nervous wreck," a source told In Touch Weekly. "When the results came back, she was ecstatic. There's no way in hell she would ever give Corey and [his current wife] Miranda primary custody of the girls."

The former reality couple recently resolved their nasty custody battle that played out in front of MTV cameras last season when Corey filed for full custody of his girls. After going to court, the father of two was given an extra night with the twins during the week. This ordeal has given Leah a total wake-up call for the future.

"She's telling everyone she's determined to make a complete turnaround," another source told the mag. "She says she's ready to clean up the wreckage from her past."

As MStars News reported, the conflict between Leah and Corey reached a fever pitch after the reality mom accused her ex's lawyer of spreading untrue rumors that she stole money from her daughter's bank account.

"Corey is a great father and I respect him for that but any of them trying to bring me down or downgrade me only looks horrible to those that know facts about more than anyone on any page out here," the MTV star wrote on Facebook. "His attorney for example has went to social media stating so many false accusations it's SOO SAD. I would be ashamed of myself especially the article of me taking money from my children. The funny thing about it is... The money that was given to my kids is not in the account they're saying it was 'stolen' from... Have you ever heard of CDs at a bank?..."

Do you think the Teen Mom 2 star is finally off of drugs for good?