Joss Whedon Says Marvel Superhero Movies Are Sexist, Fox Has Best Female Comic Book Characters

By Jon Niles | Jan 29, 2015 05:43 PM EST

Joss Whedon definitely plays an integral role in the success Marvel Cinematic Universe, thanks to his job as writer and director of The Avengers, but according to a recent interview, the filmmaker isn't too happy about how the movie studio portrays female superheroes! He thinks the characters are sexist! In fact, the Age of Ultron director goes as far as to say that 20th Century Fox owns the rights to the best female comic book characters! Find out what else Whedon said below.

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"It's a phenomenon in the industry that we call 'stupid people. There is genuine, recalcitrant, intractable sexism, and old-fashioned quiet misogyny that goes on," Whedon told Digital Spy this week, according to Gamma Squad. "You hear 'Oh, female superheroes don't work because of these two bad ones that were made eight years ago'. There's always an excuse."

He added: "Marvel is in a position of making a statement simply by making [a female-led] movie, which I think would be a good thing to do. But it has to be a good movie, it has to be a good character, and most of the best characters in Marvel are owned by Fox, let's face it!"

In case you were wondering which Marvel comic book characters belonged to what movie studios, a new infographic from The Greek Twins is here to help you out! Check it out right here and see if you agree with Whedon!

Meanwhile, one empowering, female-led franchise is clearly The Hunger Games. So what does Whedon think of that series?

"Hunger Games is a different structure and aesthetic to a certain extent, but these narratives where people are bigger than life and they're in these terrible, heightened circumstances, it's all part of the same genre," the filmmaker said.

Let us know what you think of what Whedon has said in the comments section below! Meanwhile, check out the trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron: