'Teen Mom 2' Leah Messer Marriage Troubles With Husband Jeremy Calvert: MTV Star Uses Twitter To Post About 'Perfection,' Relationship!

By Larry Abuliak larry.abuliak@mstarsnews.com | Feb 10, 2015 11:12 PM EST

Teen Mom 2 star Leah Messer is still in the middle of rumors that she and her husband Jeremy Calvert are back to being on the verge of divorce, but that hasn't stopped the MTV star from using social media to talk about the status of her marriage.

In posts on Twitter, the reality star retweeted sayings that had to do with people not being perfect and another telling one about meeting someone that would affect your life forever.

"I don't care about perfection. I live in reality and based on originality. Forget looks and respect personality," Life Post tweeted.

"It's so weird thinking back to when you first met someone & in that moment you had no idea they would have such a big impact on you," Common Girl wrote.

These two mottos obviously represent the mother-of-three's ongoing struggles to keep the relationship with her husband afloat amidst cheating scandals that drove them apart. It started with Leah having sex with her ex-boyfriend Robbie Kidd and then Jeremy sending nude photos of his penis to a girl he met on Twitter.

As MStars News reported, the MTV mom recently posted her horoscope, where it talked about major impending changes coming to her life leading many people to speculate a divorce was on the horizon.

"A change is coming, Taurus. You may already sense its impending arrival. You crave stability, and so you may be bracing yourself for whatever is to come. There is nothing to fear or worry about. The change that is coming is one that you have longed for over a long period of time, even though you may not recognize it at first," the post explained. "You may feel highly sensitive now, with your emotions bubbling to the surface. There is a design to the way you're feeling, as you will see when a new door and a new chapter in your life begins — very soon."