Fox's 'Gotham' Recap: 'The Blind Fortune Teller': Ben McKenzie's Jim Gordon Discovers Dick Grayson's Origin!

By Jorge Solis | Feb 17, 2015 12:00 AM EST

The Batman prequel, Gotham, returns with an all-new episode on Fox. As a major DC Comics superhero makes his way onto the TV screen, Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and Harvey Bullock (Donal Logue) will meet Dick Grayson, the future Robin in 'The Blind Fortune Teller.'

While Bruce (David Mazouz) sleeps, Penguin (Robin Taylor) is enjoying his mother singing at his nightclub. Barbara (Erin Richards) returns home to find young Catwoman (Camren Bicondova) and Poison Ivy crashing at her place. While Jim and Leslie Tompkins (Morena Baccarin) are enjoying the circus, a fight breaks out suddenly. 

While Jim interrogates why the fight came out, everyone seems to be angry at the Graysons and the Lloyds. Then Leslie and Jim search for Lila, the missing snake dancer, they meet with her son, Jerome. The snake trail leads to Lila's dead and bloody body. 

Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) wants to stage a riot at her underground prison. After Jim discovers Lila's dead body was moved, soon the precinct is swarmed with circus people. For three generations, the Lloyds have been at war with Graysons. After Fish is denied her demands, one of the prisoners is beaten to a pulp. 

Edward Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) discovers Lila's throat was cut and her body was beaten. Jim and Leslie meet the Blind Fortune Teller (Mark Margolis), who gives a vague message from beyond the grave. While Bruce and Leslie argue over the psychic's message, Bruce is planning to meet with the board of Wayne Enterprises. Alfred (Sean Pertwee) is worried they're both going to end up dead in a ditch. 

Just as Penguin plays the piano at his club, young Catwoman and Poison Ivy are trying to help Barbara get Jim back. Leslie thinks she has deciphered the Fortune Teller's message. At the bridge, near the park, the couple discover a bloody axe under the leaves. 

Back at the precinct, Jim thinks the fortune teller planted the axe and is protecting somebody close. Jerome is then brought in because he turns out to be the fortune teller's son. After being suspected as the killer, Jerome then reveals his true side as a maniac and starts laughing. 

Just as Barbara and Jim are kissing, Barbara catches them in the act. Zsasz is brought in because Penguin isn't making a profit. Butch is brought in and it looks like he's working for Falcone. 

At Wayne Enterprises, Bruce's questions make the board members nervous. Gordon meets with Dick Grayson's parents, who are now engaged. Fish meets with the manager of her underground prison.

Readers, what did you think of The Blind Fortune Teller?