'Old Man Logan' #1: Hugh Jackman's Wolverine Back From Dead In Marvel's 'Secret Wars' Tie-In!

By Jorge Solis j.solis@mstarsnews.com | Feb 17, 2015 06:00 PM EST

Played memorably by Hugh Jackman in the X-Men movies, Wolverine is back from the dead in an all-new series by Marvel Comics. Writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Andrea Sorrentino have teamed up to bring back the most iconic X-Man in the Secret Wars tie-in, Old Man Logan #1.

As we previously mentioned, Secret Wars features the Marvel superheroes from alternate realities coming together to meet in an epic standoff. The Marvel's superheroes and super-villains will be forced to defend themselves for the survival of their universe. There will be no Marvel Universe, no Ultimate Universe, or any other, just Battleworld.

According to the plot synopsis, readers are welcomed back to the Wastelands, a land dominated by victorious super villains. The greatest heroes  have been murdered by their arch-enemies. Only tyrants and madmen rule over the Wastelands. Though hope has ben gone for a long time, there is still one man who can make a difference. But what will a man with nothing left to lose achieve here?

Marvel SVP, Sales & Marketing David Gabriel, reveals in his release, "The original Old Man Logan story is a modern masterpiece. Fans have clamored for a return to that world and that character and Secret Wars has blown that door wide open. Bendis and Sorrentino are going to deliver an event-caliber story and an epic return for a fan-favorite that should not be missed!"

When we last saw Logan, he was covered in adamantium in Death In Wolverine #4. In this alternate universe, Logan is still alive in the Battleground and now has to pop his claws out again.

Bendis tells Blastr, ""This is Wolverine as Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven. This is a Wolverine on a desperate road to redemption. But unlike most people in Secret Wars, he will have a sense that things aren't the way they should [be], not like Wolverine and House of M, but Old Man Logan will venture out of his section of Battleworld and into others. On a quest. And he will be one of the characters most affected by the outcome of this event."

As we mentioned before, Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man will meets its end in issue #12. The Ultimate Universe is on a collision course with Earth-616. With the Avengers no more, She-Hulk, Dazzler, Medusa, and more of Marvel's strongest heroines will join together in A-Force.

Old Man Logan #1 arrives in May.