Arrow Season 3 Spoilers: Executive Producers Preview Oliver's Big Decision

By Andrew Meola | Feb 26, 2015 01:02 PM EST

The CW's Arrow is on a short hiatus after its latest episode, "Nanda Parbat," but the break gives fans a chance to digest all the twists and turns that occurred in last night's installment.


The episode ended when Ra's al Ghul offered Oliver the chance to succeed him as the leader of the League of Assassins. It was an intriguing development that sets up some fascinating possibilities for the rest of the season. But where does the show go from here?

Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg spoke to TVLine and previewed what's to come.

“Oliver is completely, as hopefully the audience is, taken aback, ’cause he was not expecting” the offer, he said. “It was something that [executive producer] Greg [Berlanti] and Marc [Guggenheim] and I talked about. It was important to have a different villain this year and somebody who is going to be doing something completely different.”

So Ra's moved from a “giant, malevolent force” to offering “the keys to the kingdom to our hero.” Kreisberg said Oliver and the team's reaction to the proposal, and the Arrow's answer, “makes up the bulk of the next run of episodes.” He adds the League is “a different kind of threat, because they’re asking him to join up. [But] as Malcolm tells him in a subsequent episode, [Ra’s is] not really asking.”

Guggenheim also discussed if Oliver could possibly become the leader given his committment not to kill anymore. "Ra's has an interesting perspective on that question, which you'll get in the first act" of the next episode, he said. "One of the things we reveal in [Episode] 320 is where the name The League of Assassins came from and what it means to be an 'assassin.' If you're a historian, you know it has a different meaning than what it's become in the modern day."

What do you think will happen on Arrow for the rest of this season? Let us know in the comments section.