'Star Wars' Spin-Off 2016 Movie Rumors, Stand-Alone Spoilers: Writer Chris Weitz Talks Script & More For Gareth Edwards Film

By Jon Niles | Mar 02, 2015 06:00 PM EST

We recently reported on screenwriter Chris Weitz taking over writing duties for the 2016 Star Wars stand-alone, spin-off movie project directed by Godzilla filmmaker Gareth Edwards. This week, Weitz opened up about the new Disney and Lucasfilm project, talking about taking over Gary Whitta's script and sharing some information on what we can expect next year when the highly anticipated new adventure hits theaters, one year after 2015's The Force Awakens, directed by J.J. Abrams. Keep reading to find out what the writer had to say about the movie!

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Speaking with Slash Film this week while promoting his new film, Cinderella, Weitz spoke about his experience coming on-board to rewrite Whitta's script, revealing that he's still working on it.

"In a weird way, it was like meeting for any assignment," the writer explained when asked what the process was like when he was asked to take over the script. "Go in, talk about how you work and talk about the idea, but of course there was A) A huge security component to it. I wasn't able to see the script until kind of after I was brought on board. And B) I saw Star Wars when I was 7 and it was a formative experience in my life, let alone in the notion of filmmaking."

He continued, "I'm probably only working on this stuff because I did have that experience then. But it completely possessed me when I was a child and it was a huge part of my kind of emotional make up. So I tried to be as cool as possible in these meetings while still being aware if I got the assignment I was going to be able to work on something I've been dreaming of doing."

You can read more from this interview right here!