Rikers Island Prisoners Stop Inmate Raleek Young From Sexually Assaulting, Raping Female Prison Guard [VIDEO]

By Kyle Dowling kyle.dowling@mstarsnews.com | Mar 04, 2015 11:15 AM EST

It's being reported that an inmate named Raleek Young (pictured above) at New York's Rikers Island prison apparently tried to rape a female prison guard. Thankfully, she was saved by a group of prisoners who saw the sexual assault and immediately stopped it.

The New York Daily News reports that the inmate "slipped inside" the vestibule the guard was in via a small crack. He then opened the door and tried to rape her.

Upon noticing the horrific occurrence, the group of prisoners tore down the plexiglas separating them along with a number of guards and took Young down and waited for other officers to come to the scene.

The publication notes that the 5'9" 290 lbs Young "pulled down his pants and began masturbating while choking the officer." Most of the attack, including Young dragging the officer into the bathroom, is all on video and "under investigation," according to Correction Department spokesperson Eve Kessler.

Young's attack, while horrible, isn't all that shocking because he's currently serving five to ten years for the rape of a 13-year-old girl back in 2007.

Based on the attack, Young is now facing charges of "attempted rape, sexual abuse, forcible touching, and assault and harassment."

Following the attack, in which Young reportedly tore off her sweater and "placed his lips on her mouth and about her face," the officer was treated at the hospital.

Check out more of this report in the below video:

Further reports from the New York Daily News can be found on their site.