Joss Whedon Praises James Spader in New 'Avengers 2: Age of Ultron' Video Interview

By Andrew Meola | Mar 12, 2015 05:27 PM EDT

Marvel has released a new video interview with Joss Whedon, the writer and director of The Avengers: Age of Ultron. In the video, Whedon praises James Spader, who portrays the titular villain.

Check out the video below:

In case you missed it, Whedon spoke to SFX last month at length about his superhero sequel, which hits theaters on May 1. He discussed two of the new characters for the film: the Vision and Ultron. First, he spoke about Vision, played by Paul Bettany.

"Once again, he's someone who's completely different than anybody else in terms of his powers, his look, but also his perspective," he said. "He's artificial life and he's not caught up in the in-house bickering and the pain and self-doubt. He shows up and he's very certain. But we're not certain what he's certain of! And Paul's great, because he's so gentle, so compelling, but at the same time you're like 'He's nice but... what if he murdered me?'"

Whedon went on to discuss numerous details about Ultron.

"You know, he's really been a mainstay of The Avengers, but for me it's a robot who's angry," he said. "And that was a gateway for me to a robot who's completely irrational. I wanted to write a robot what we really haven't seen in this kind of movie, who can basically talk all the logical robot things, but then has hissy fits! He also has a real perspective on who the Avengers are, and a real beef with them. He's not a straw man. The thing that worked about Loki was that he was able to get inside everybody's head a little bit, and Ultron, he's got the same thing. He knows pretty much everything there is to know about these guys. The only way you can attack Earth's mightiest heroes is from within."

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