'Deadpool' Movie 2016 Plot Spoilers, Casting News: TJ Miller Announces Weasel Role On Twitter - 'Silicon Valley' Star Will Play Ryan Reynolds' Sidekick?

By Jon Niles | Mar 18, 2015 11:57 AM EDT

With the Feb. 16, 2016 release date for the highly anticipated Deadpool movie coming up relatively quickly, we're finding out that 2015 has been a great year for updates and spoilers. Besides casting news and Ryan Reynolds gushing about the project from director Tim Miller, this week we found out who actor T.J. Miller will be portraying on the big screen. Fans of the Rob Liefeld comic book are sure to be happy to learn that the Silicon Valley star revealed on Twitter that he's portraying Weasel, A.K.A. Jack Hammer, Deadpool's sidekick, in the movie!

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We're not sure if Miller meant to announce this news on Twitter, but he used a hashtag while responding to a tweet that has the comic book world pretty excited. Check out this Twitter exchange right here (via Gamma Squad):

For those of you unfamiliar with this character, he has some great Marvel history and is the "best friend" character of Deadpool. Check out a brief character description of Weasel, according to Wikipedia, right here:

Weasel was once a bright young lad attending Midtown High, the same high school as Peter Parker and Jessica Jones. Weasel, then known by his birth name of Jack Hammer, was competing with Parker for a prestigious job under the wing of Norman Osborn and held an enormous crush on Parker's future girlfriend, Gwen Stacy. Deadpool accidentally teleported into the past during a fight with the Great Lakes Avengers. There, he found Jack Hammer (whose destiny he was well aware of) and, disguised as Peter Parker, related to Norman Osborn false information about Jack Hammer being a drug user. His employment opportunity thus ruined, Hammer was manipulated by the disguised Deadpool into fixing his teleportation belt. With the gadget fixed, Deadpool returned to the future, leaving a depressed and drunken young Hammer with a new career option - crime.

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