Scorpion New Episode Review: 'Crossroads' Gives Walter a Choice

By Andrew Meola | Mar 31, 2015 01:38 PM EDT

There are a lot of things I could say about "Crossroads," the latest episode of Scorpion. But I'm going to try a different approach this week. Instead of starting with the numerous problems, I'm going to focus on the positive aspects of this one.

For starters, Happy was rocking that black dress at the beginning. She's usually so blunt and even her work requires her to work with tools, so to see her more feminine side was refreshing.

Screw-up Toby is always funny, and his oversleeping through the date got him in boiling hot water with Happy. Walter's line ("I don't have feelings and even I'm uncomfortable watching this.") actually made me laugh. He spent the entire episode trying to apologize, which showed that he actually does care. Of course, he did it in the most awkward way possible, and a setback with someone as closed off as Happy could take him months to overcome.

Happy built a blowgun out of a roll of paper towel and urinal cakes. Ordinarily I'd complain but that's just amazing enigneering right there.

Walter and Happy are both immortal. If you think something as silly as scraping their backs across asphalt at 70 miles an hour is going to kill them, then I don't know what show you've been watching all this time.

Toby grew a pair at the end of the episode and finally snapped at both Walter and Sylvester. He told Sly to stop being such a wuss and take a risk every once in a while before everyone else takes everything from him. And he told Walter that his whole "I don't have feelings" thing is nonsense. He wants Paige, and he needs to go get her before Drew takes her back. Of course, Walter has wasted too much time, and Drew is back.

Your mileage may vary on this episode depending on your tolerance for MacGyver science and/or your interest in the Walter and Paige relationship. Everything else about this episode was pretty boring and standard for Scorpion. Sure, I could complain about the absurdity of the DL hacking into an RV, or Walter's James Bond routine under the car, but we're staying positive here!

Scorpion is off next week for the NCAA Men's Basketball Championship, so we'll see you in two weeks.