IDW's 'Millennium' #4 Review: David Duchovny's Fox Mulder, Lance Henriksen's Frank Black Fight For Jordan!

By Jorge Solis | Apr 15, 2015 04:00 PM EDT

Due to the success of The X-Files: Season 10, IDW Publishing is on winning streak with the comic book adaptation of Chris Carter's Millennium. Frank Black (played by Lance Henriksen) and Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) fight to save Jordan's soul in the moody and eerie Millennium #4, by writer Joe Harris and artist Colin Lorimer.

Based on the the Millennium TV series, the comic book series picks up Frank's pursuit in stopping the Millennium Group after they have brought about the apocalypse. As we previously mentioned, the third issue ended on a major cliffhanger as Frank discovered the whereabouts of his estranged daughter. And now, we discover what the Millennium Group's plans are for the reunited father and daughter. 

In our MStars interview, Harris revealed the process of adapting Frank's visions for comic book readers, "So I look for places where we'll use Frank Black's visions to expand on just what the mystery is. Who gets an exposition out of it because Frank, based on what he sees. He's also an expert profiler, so that's a big part of his toolbox and what he goes into. But, I think that just depicting these moments, there's a lot of back and forth that Colin [Lorimer] and Joana [Lafuente], the artists and colorists. I try to find the right take, the right pitch, the right composition, the right visual effects to really covey those moments so that they're just weird enough to feel like the show, without being confusing for people who have absolutely no idea what Millennium is." 

Harris keeps the majority of the installment inside Jordan's perspective. Told through flashbacks, readers discover what happened to Jordan after the series finale. Even after the flashbacks are done, Harris keeps readers up-to-date through dialogue. The father and daughter dynamic is much more interesting now because we see how damaged Jordan has became since her mother's death. 

Because Jordan also has Frank's gift, Larimer has a different style for Jordan's visions. Colorist Joana Lafuente adds to the surrealism by paining the images with a blue tone. In Jordan's flashbacks, the suspenseful atmosphere is heightened by the red undertones.


A riveting read, Millennium #4 continues at its suspenseful pace, leaving readers wanting more with its gripping cliffhanger.